Becoming a certified dog groomer is not easy feat – it’s for the passionate and the motivated! And when more commitments keep popping up, how are you ever supposed to get your assignments in on time?

There’s a new fix for aspiring groomers who don’t have the time to spend at a brick-and-mortar school: learning online! It might sound strange, but learning dog grooming online is actually pretty much the same as learning it in person. Since your tutor will be giving you detailed feedback on your work, you’ll learn how to do the techniques and fix your own form as you practice.

So why else are dog grooming schools moving to an online platform? Read on to find out!

Online course for dog groomers

It’s flexible

The top priority for people who enroll in an online course is the amount of flexibility available. If you’re looking to change your career or start up a new business, you know it won’t happen overnight. Maintaining the security of your current job while having the opportunity to learn something new is a huge advantage of online grooming classes!

Online courses allow students to mold their own schedule – you aren’t obligated to attend class at any time or date, so you can sit down when you get a few minutes each week. It’s better for busy parents or young professionals balancing odd jobs.

Plus, you don’t need to stress about tests and assignment deadlines. We all know that due dates are an instant stressor! By moving dog grooming schools online, you can set your own goals and modify as you go.

It’s accessible

In more ways than one! First of all, online classes are available to pretty much anyone – barring any age restrictions, of course. Many people are put off by long travel times and school responsibilities cutting into their current priorities, which stops them from pursuing their passion. Needless to say, there needed to be a solution to this problem!

If you decide to enroll in an online dog grooming course, you have the option of where and when you practice. It takes a lot of pressure off the student when they have some control over their learning experience (trust us!).

Practicing grooming a small dog

It’s affordable

High tuition costs at physical schools and colleges create a barrier for people looking to become a dog groomer. Rather than just paying for your course materials and instruction, you’re paying for the buildings, the bills, and salaries. It adds up quickly, and not many people can afford to drop thousands of dollars at once.

So, even though dog grooming courses offered online still come with a price tag, there’s usually a lot less than brick-and-mortar schools. For one thing, you generally have more time to pay off your courses and more flexibility in how you pay for them.

All in all, your financial situation can be a big determiner in what type of course is the best fit for you!

Better feedback

Okay – so here’s where it can get murky. Every dog grooming course is going to be quite different, for experience at least!

While it’s true that you get very personalized feedback on your assignments with online courses, there’s no denying that the same goes for physical classroom learning. The great thing about learning online is the one-on-one feedback you get from your tutor.

Although you can’t contact your tutor directly, you get to hear their full critique of your work shortly after it’s been submitted. Depending on your preference, you’re still going to get the same detailed feedback online as you can get in class!

Training to become a certified dog groomer

Individual practice

With that in mind, let’s talk about your own training. If you’re looking to enroll in a dog grooming class, you’re likely looking into what you’re going to learn – after all, you shouldn’t enroll if you know nothing about the course!

But once you do start learning, you might find some assignments particularly challenging, and others ones quite simple. It all depends on where your personal skills lie. So rather than being rushed in a classroom environment or held up by other students, you get to work on your own terms and practice the skills that need improvement.

You’re also not rushed to perform any grooming techniques when you’re not comfortable. With your online course, you can practice until you feel comfortable enough to use your skills hands-on.

Less hassle

One thing about classroom learning at any school is you’ll need to lug around your course materials to every class. Which, if you have a car, isn’t all that bad. However, having to bring dogs to class is a different story…

Most online dog grooming schools ask you to find your own canine models. If the same goes for a brick-and-mortar school, you’ll have to take a few trips to get the dog safely in the classroom along with your materials and grooming kit.

We think it’s safe to say that online learning bodes well for comfort and ease!

Ready to begin an exciting career? Turn your love of pets into a full-time job with QC’s dog grooming courses!

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