Spring has officially arrived, as pet owners may have noticed by the piles of dog hair on their clothes, furniture, and floor!

In winter, dogs grow heavier coats to protects them from the cold and the elements. Come spring, however, this coat will be shedding! Depending on the breed of dog, matting can be an issue as well. The condition of a dog’s skin and coat are excellent indicators of his health, so use your grooming expertise to take your clients’ dog from winter to spring with these 5 tips!

Loosen hair with a bath

Many dogs stay inside during the winter months, but their bodies will sense the change of weather when they head outside for a walk. As a result, coats thicken and need more maintenance through brushing and bathing. As a groomer, encourage your clients to keep up their grooming appointments during the cold months to keep their dog healthy. Let them know that as spring approaches, their pal will need a proper bath to loosen his hair. How often a dog needs to be bathed varies with factors such as age, lifestyle, and type of hair. Regular grooming appointments will allow you to assess the dog’s individual needs.

A shampoo and conditioning treatment followed by proper drying will loosen a good deal of hair from a dog. It will ensure that the hair stays at your grooming salon and not in a client’s home!

Time for a trim

The advent of spring is an excellent time to trim a dog’s hair – regular trimming keeps a dog’s coat soft, removes tangles and damaged hair, and prepares them for a warmer season. Be sure to use the right clipper blades to optimize the cut and make the process easier (for both you and your furry friend!). Long-haired dogs may be more comfortable and happy with a shorter coat in the warmer months. This trim should take place during the spring, well before the warm weather sets in!

Brush it out

While regular brushing will result in less shedding, many pet owners prefer to let a professional dog groomer work their magic instead. Brushing spreads the natural oils throughout the coat, keeping it healthy and preventing shedding in the spring months. Encourage your clients to brush their dogs and show them the proper brushes and tools to use, as regular brushing will stop tangles from forming, which can turn into painful mats.
During a spring groom, a gentle brush will remove any hair that was loosened during the bathing process to refresh the dog.

dog grooming

Sun protection

As you prepare a dog for sunnier months, don’t forget that they need to stay protected from the sun! This is most important for short-haired dogs. But as dogs are bathed and trimmed, be sure to communicate to all pet owners that the sun can be damaging to dogs’ skin. To keep their animal healthy and maintain a shiny coat, recommend pet-approved sunscreen to owners to protect their dog.

Don’t forget other areas

While a dog’s coat is extremely important to their health, it’s also essential to assess the animal overall as you prepare for the spring months. While bathing, be sure to examine each dog’s ears and eyes to check that they’re clean and healthy. And don’t forget the nails which may need to be trimmed! Ending the winter months with a clean, healthy coat and great overall health will ensure a happy dog well into the spring!

If you love pampering pets, why not become a groomer? Here are 8 signs that a dog grooming career is right for you!

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